
NominaGratis 2016.

Image NominaGratis 2016.
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  • Developer:

    Grupo Aige

  • OS:

    Windows ME

  • License:


  • Updated:

    January 31, 2022

  • "Create payrolls with multiple different contracts"

The management of the payroll of workers is a very complicated issue, since the variety of contracts existing today in the Social Security is such that no person is able to carry out all this management without the help of some computer program that facilitates the task.

NominaGratis is a payroll management program that includes absolutely all options related to social insurance and employee contracts. From NominaGratis it is possible to manage all the payrolls of employees taking into account the characteristics of their contracts, so that a small-medium-sized company can save the cost of a manager learning to use in a few days the program NominaGratis.